Thu February 24 02:03 pm 2011 in category Stock exchange releases
Nokian Tyres plc Stock Exchange Release 24 Feb, 2011 2 p.m.

Listing of Nokian Tyres plc's 2007C stock options

The share subscription period for stock options 2007C will commence on 1 March 2011 and end on 31 March 2013. Each stock option 2007C entitles its holder to subscribe for one (1) share in Nokian Tyres plc. Payment of shares shall be effected on subscription. The share subscription price amounts to EUR 8.24. The amount of the dividend decided before share subscription will be deducted from the share subscription price as per the dividend record date. The subscription price of the shares shall, however, always amount to at least EUR 0.01.

The Board of Directors of Nokian Tyres plc has decided that stock options 2007C issued in the Finnish book-entry system will be listed on the main list of Nasdaq OMX Helsinki as of 1 March 2011. New shares subscribed with stock options 2007C will be listed as additional lots of Company shares on the main list of Nasdaq OMX Helsinki together with the old shares after the new shares have been registered.

Nokian Tyres plc

Antti-Jussi Tähtinen
Vice President, Marketing and Communications

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX, media,